Timeless meaning encapsulated in words
Oxford dictionary explains crisis: Late Middle English (denoting the turning point of a disease): medical Latin, from Greek krisis ‘decision’, from krinein ‘decide’. The general sense ‘decisive point’ dates from the early 17th century.

Crisis as a decision point. It comes suddenly. Like a crossing behind the curve.
A decision every day
In the last 100 years the mention of crisis increased by almost 4 times. The connected world, the real time updated world, the transparent world forces us to take decisions every day. The responsibility for them is sometimes heavy. Always tiring. It's like driving a car through a never ending sequence of crossings. We want to finally reach a straight road and relax. Admire the nature around us. Laid back and put on our favourite music on while cursing.
Maybe we do we live and drive on a map, not in the real territory? Maybe it is in our head. The pressure to turn. The need to decide. The crisis perceived.
A crisis is different for each of us
Every crisis is a crossing, a decision point. It divides friends from pretenders, substance from cosmetics, trusted partners from opportunists. It asks you to decide with no patience or analysis. You have to decide now.
Some of us cannot accept it and we stick to the nice old world.
We pretend, we fake it.
Many of us just run away. Change the job, leave the country, take care of ourselves only.
Big majority prefers to complain and blame others. Paralyzed and stuck in a passive suffering.
And still there are a few who search for opportunities to grow out of the crisis. For them a crisis is like a biggest win in a lottery: It provides tons of problems.
So they go and solve one of them!